Saturday, October 12, 2019

First field trip of the year!

This past week, our class went to Southlands Farms.  We learned about horses and other animals.  We learned about the vegetables growing in the garden and we had a walk through the orchard.

We went into the stables

The horses were very friendly

For some of us, this was the first time we got to pet a horse!

We also visited the chickens and held an egg!  It was warm from the hen sitting on it!

We also visited the garden and saw beans and corn growing.  We even tasted golden berries and edible flowers!

And...there were pumpkins everywhere!

After the garden, we got to go visit the goats!

They loved being hugged!

At the end, we all got to jump into the hay pile!!

Some of us looked like scarecrows when we came out!!  We had straw stuck to every part of of our body!!
 When we got back to school, it was easy to write about this wonderful experience!  Here are a few of our stories.  The rest are up on the bulletin board outside our classroom.  Drop by to look at the photos and read the stories!




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