Friday, June 19, 2020

Learning the week of June 15th

This is our last week of on-line learning.  And there are just a couple of school days left next week for our in-class learners!  
What a busy group of workers we had this week as everyone continued to keep up with all the activities posted in myBlueprint!
Here is a sample of just some of the things your friends in Division 13 have been doing...from home and at school!

Here is one of our classmates who "perfected" slime making during her time learning from home.  She kindly made an "how to.." video to share with us!

Our last poem of the school year!  If you find one (or MAKE ONE UP  yourself, add it to your poetry book!

Another "hidden toys" challenge
One of our favourite activities!  Can you find the 5 hidden toys? (See the answers at the end of this post!)

Our math challenges of the week...

It is great when you write and tell me what you thought of the activities!  This is called "reflecting".  Good learners are always thinking and reflecting! 

Making words is another wonderful activity to get us to slow down and look at things carefully!  Look at all the words you can come up with with these letters!  More self reflection and more working together with our families!

 Some of us continue to have fun making god's eyes and teaching others how to do it!

Some of us go to Ms. Lew on Thursday and Friday.  We got to make our very own "marble runs".  What fun it will be to have this to play with in the summer!

With all that the children might be seeing and hearing about the anti-racism protests going on in the United States, Canada, and around the world, it is important for us to discuss what it is we are seeing and why?  In class we have been sharing some stories and having some very thoughtful and powerful discussions about racism and segregation.    Here is one story we watched together...

After we watched the story, we took time to reflect on what had happened, decades ago, and how it made us feel.   Here are a few of our thoughts...

It  saddens us to know that racism is still happening today.  But, we also talked about what we can do?  How can we help?   This made us think back to the song we sang at our Remembrance Day assembly... "Together We Can Change The World".  
This is so true.

Hidden toys answer...

See you next week for one last post!

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