Friday, May 1, 2020

Learning from Home - Week of April 27th to May 1st

It has been just over 2 weeks since we started our "learning from home" schooling.  There have been lots of "ups and downs" as we all adjust to this new way of learning - for the time being.  Learning all this new "technology" has been hard for everyone...include ME!  I thank everyone - students and families for your patience and understanding and HUMOUR as we all go through this together.   

As the students cannot see what others are doing right now, I thought I would try to do a weekly post here to share some of the wonderful, creative, and thoughtful work we are doing at home.  I will leave the  "allow comments" option open if any of you want to send some positive and encouraging messages and comments about what you see.

Our ADST Challenge was to use a toilet paper roll (or as many rolls as you like!) and create something!  Here are what some of you came up with...

This week we had a special guest read us a story.  It was Mrs. Lay!  After the story, she encouraged us t think about our favourite tree... As you can see - the Maple Tree was a favourite of many!

Planting tomato seeds...

MATH:  some of us are really enjoying the math booklets I sent home in your packages!  

Others of you are really enjoying the extra math challenges I send you throughout the week!  This is great fun to work on together with your family!!

I LOVE how this friend of ours showed me all her work and how she got the answer!  Well done!!  YOU can do the work directly in myBlueprint OR you can write it on a piece of paper and then take a photo and upload the photo into your portfolio.  Either way is great!

This was the answer to another of our challenges!  I really like seeing how you came up with your answers!

 Writing... remember, you can write about anything you like, or about a book you read, or use the idea on your weekly activity grid to get you going.  
I love how this friend took a picture of what she saw from her window.  I feel like I am there with her!

And here is a friend telling us about a story she read in RazKids!  Has anyone else read this story yet?

Great work everyone!  Keep it up!

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